Hydro-Dyne Solutions for MBR Screening

At Hydro-Dyne, we only focus on screening headworks systems, so our knowledge in this area is at the highest level and depth you could ask for. We are committed to advancing screening technology and grit removal technology.

Our knowledge of how MBR systems function is why we insist on high-quality sealing at the inlet diverter plates for a center-flow screening system. Hydro-Dyne inlet diverter plates do not use neoprene seals or rubber seals. Instead, the diverter plates are bolted to the channel wall so there is zero bypass around those diverter plates.

The value of Hydro-Dyne Center Flow Screens

Our center-flow screens are highly valuable to the plants where we install them. Here are some of their most salient benefits:

  • Robust performance. We design and passivate our screens in-house to ensure years of durability.
  • Lower implementation/operation/maintenance costs. We have very few wear parts that need to be replaced over a 20-year period. All of our maintenance is done above the channel. That is where the seals and bearings are greased and the motor oil is changed. Access panels also allow you to look at the spray bars and make sure the nozzles are working properly.
  • Higher flow rates and smaller footprints because of the hydraulic advantages of our center-flow band screens.
  • Custom engineering and on-site testing incorporate expected coarse screen performance on screen sizing. We design our screens for the specific applications of our customers.

This leads us to another unique design approach for Hydro-Dyne: We realize that one size does not fit all. That’s why we create design and manufacture membrane protection screens in a variety of sizes, including:

  • Opening sizes – ranging from 0.5mm to 3mm (up to 25mm for coarse screen applications)
  • Screen widths – 23 inches to 74 inches
  • Screen depths – 15 inches to 108 inches
  • Screen heights – 60 inches to more than 720 inches
  • Peak Flow Capacity – 0.1MGD to 100+ MGD

We can also provide different grid options, such as:

  • UHMWPE (perforated). This 9mm thick ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene panel is machine-made in our factory.
  • Stainless steel (perforated). This panel is 2mm thick and is used for ultrafine screening.
  • Stainless steel (woven wire mesh). Mesh style grid is used for ultra fine screening applications such as wastewater and drinking water membrane protection. Woven wire mesh has a square size opening from 0.5mm size and larger.

Hydro-Dyne’s expertise with MBR facilities

We are happy to share case studies with you that demonstrate the value of working with Hydro-Dyne for both MBR and drinking water plants. Among our clients is the largest MBR plant in North America, with a total capacity of 88 MGD.

We supplied this customer with one coarse screen and two fine screens for each channel. They include:

Talk to us to find out why we chose these grid sizes and their peak design for a relevant MGD. Third-party testing found that our solution achieved 95% screenings capture. You’ll also learn about the role of the VFDs (variable frequency drives), which are part of this solution and tie into the successful operation of the coarse and fine screens.

For an MBR plant based in Pennsylvania, we used an ultrafine screening system. For this 1MGD operation, we provided two screens in separate tanks. If you would like to learn more about this project, please let us know.

Rely on Hydro-Dyne’s industry-leading center flow screens

Not all waste streams are the same. If you have a membrane system, remember that it needs proper screening protection in order to function as intended. With on-site testing, we can determine the right screening solutions for your operations.

Our Great White Center Flow Screen is key to helping wastewater treatment plants process their influent. Just a handful of its benefits include:

  • No bypass and zero carryover
  • High capacity and low headloss
  • Low profile and small footprint
  • A bypass gate that does not pivot
  • Dual-spray wash unloading
  • Industry-leading screenings capture

We understand the risks and pitfalls in designing screening systems. This is why we design our systems to withstand leakage and offer hydraulic, footprint, and operational advantages.

Talk to us and we’ll explain how our Great White Center Flow screen provides the protection your MBR plant (or any other type of plant) requires.

Thank you for your
interest in our company.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information? We’d be
happy to hear from you.